Report Update

Commercial Marine Shipping Accidents: Understanding the Risks in Canada Workshop Participants

Workshop participants, comprised of researchers, marine experts, and industry representatives, were appointed to respond to the charge set out by Clear Seas.

Sean Broadbent, Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Director, Environmental Management Planning Group, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, BC)

Rosaline Canessa, Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria (Victoria, BC)

Jackie Dawson, Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy, and Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa (Ottawa, ON)

Hadi Dowlatabadi, Canada Research Chair in Applied Mathematics and Global Change, Institute for Resources Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC)

Gordon Houston, Proprietor, Gordon Houston & Associates (Vancouver, BC)

Raymond W. Johnston, Special Advisor, Chamber of Marine Commerce (Ottawa, ON); President, Green Marine Management Corporation (Québec, QC)

Timothy Keane, Senior Manager, Arctic Operations and Projects, Fednav Limited (Montréal, QC)

Serge A. Le Guellec, President and General Manager, Transport Desgagnés Inc. (Quebec City, QC)

Jérôme Marty, Science Advisor, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Ottawa, ON)

Barbara Neis, FRSC, University Research Professor, Department of Sociology, Memorial University; Senior Research Associate, SafetyNet Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research (St. John’s, NL)

Paul O’Reilly, Senior Vice President, Marsh Canada Limited (Toronto, ON)

Ronald Pelot, Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, and Assistant Dean, Engineering Co-operative Education, Dalhousie University: Associate Scientific Director, MEOPAR NCE (Halifax, NS)

Robert Powell, Lead Specialist, Priority Conservation, WWF Canada

Victor M. Santos-Pedro, Former Director, Marine Safety, Transport Canada (Ottawa, ON)

Claudio Verconich, Vice President – Marine, Global Special Projects and Underwriting, Liberty International Underwriters, Liberty Mutual Group (Toronto, ON)

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