Francis Wiese

Francis Wiese

National Marine Science Lead, Stantec Consulting (Anchorage, AK)

April 28, 2016

Dr. Francis Wiese is Stantec’s Technical Leader for Marine Science in Canada and Alaska. Dr. Wiese joined Stantec in August 2013 after serving as the Science Director for the North Pacific Research Board in Alaska for six years. In that position, he designed, implemented and managed large multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional marine ecosystems programs in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, and set annual research priorities to address pressing fisheries management and marine ecosystem needs. Since 2011, he has served on the Chukchi-Beaufort Ecosystem Collaboration Team of the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee and was lead-author on a conceptual ecosystem model document for the US Arctic.

His technical skills include ecosystem program development, implementation and management, National Resources Damage Assessment, assessing environmental impacts as a result of anthropogenic stressors, environmental policy, population and bio-energetic modeling, wildlife monitoring, aerial surveys, satellite telemetry, statistical analyses, and public speaking. Dr. Wiese has worked for and with academia, government, non-profits, and industry; is a technical reviewer for over 20 international journals; and has served on a variety of national and internal science panels and working groups. He has provided expert testimony for oil pollution related issues in Canada and the United States, but most of all enjoys thinking outside the box, and taking new and inter-disciplinary approaches to tackle old and new issues that require good science and achieve common goals.

Role: Steering Committee Member
Report: Commercial Marine Shipping Accidents: Understanding the Risks in Canada (April 2016)
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