Jocelyn Tremblay

Jocelyn Tremblay

Former Director General, Science and Engineering, Defence Research and Development Canada (Québec City, QC)

July 9, 2024

Jocelyn Tremblay is a scientist and mathematical physicist, and a retired researcher and executive in defence sciences. He is the former Chair of the NATO System Analysis and Studies Panel, and a retired Director General Science & Engineering at Defence Research and Development Canada. He was responsible for the science carried out at DRDC Suffield (AB), Toronto (ON), Ottawa (ON), CORA (ON), Valcartier (QC), and Atlantic (NS).

Tremblay served for 40 years with the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence. He is a graduate of the National Security Program of the Canadian Forces College in Toronto, where he studied international relations and the contemporary security environment.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Balancing Research Security and Open Science for Dual-Use Research of Concern
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