Mylène Jaccoud

Mylène Jaccoud

Professor, School of Criminology, University de Montréal (Montréal, QC)

Dr. Mylène Jaccoud is a Professor at the School of Criminology and a researcher at the Centre of Public Law at the University of Montréal.

Dr. Jaccoud holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) and a PhD in Criminology (University of Montréal). Her main areas of research focus on alternative criminal justice policies and practices and on the analysis of the relationship between the administration of criminal justice and First Nations and Inuit in Quebec. Dr. Jaccoud’s research is centred on the analysis of the relationships between the penal system and Aboriginal Peoples, in particular on governance relative to policing, sentencing, the marginalization of Aboriginal women, family violence and alternative justice practices in an Aboriginal context. Her ongoing projects involve First Nations & Inuit governance in the socio-penial sector, violence against Aboriginal women, specialized courts, and the rebuilding of social regulation in Aboriginal communities.

Dr. Jaccoud’s current works concern the support of Inuit communities in the implementation of a project based on the reconstruction of the social regulation, which is at present, implanted as an experimental project in Nunavik (Saqijuq project). She is also committed to the support of a community justice initiative with the Atikamekw Nation and a community mediation service in the area of housing in Val d’Or for Aboriginal Peoples living in the city.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Toward Peace, Harmony, and Well-Being: Policing in Indigenous Communities (April 2019)
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