Peter G. Noble

Peter G. Noble, FCAE

Principal Advisor, Noble Associates, Inc.; Past-President, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (Spring, TX)

May 25, 2017

Peter Noble is a Canadian naval architect and ocean engineer with a wide range of expertise and experience in the marine and offshore industries. His career has included positions with ship and offshore designs consultants, with research and development companies, with major classification, and as chief naval architect and chief Arctic technologist with an international oil company.

Peter is widely respected by his peers for integrity and dedication to his profession. The breadth and caliber of his work is well documented in his numerous papers presented at SNAME, the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), and other conferences. He and his coauthors were awarded the 2005 ABS-Captain Joseph Linnard Prize for best paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society.

In 2006, Peter was awarded the SNAME, Admiral Jerry Land Medal for “Outstanding Accomplishment in the Marine Field,” and, in 2009, Peter was recognized by the Board of the Offshore Technology Conference and awarded the OTC Individual Distinguished Achievement Award for “his contribution to innovative marine vehicle and floating system design and engineering, including LNG vessel design, arctic engineering and icebreaker technology and for his dedication to encouraging and mentoring students and younger professionals.”

In November 2011, Peter Noble was elected to a three-year term as President of SNAME, the first year serving as President-Elect. He was the first Canadian to serve in this role, and is currently serving a four-year term as past-President.

Role: Panel Member
Report: The Value of Commercial Marine Shipping to Canada (May 2017)
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